For Participants!

Dear participants,
The conference is slowly but surely approaching and therefore it is time to clarify the information about your papers and fee payments:
1) Length of the paper: max. 20 min (followed by 5 min discussion): please keep to it, as the program is quite tight.
2) Please let us know, if you will be using a power-point presentation, so that we can prepare the technique in time.
3) You can pay the conference fee until 17 November 2023. Please see the attachment for payment instructions: Payment Instructions.If you need an invoice/receipt for payment, please contact us by email:
4) Accommodation is reserved for those, who have expressed interest. Everyone pays for their own accommodation on the spot – you will receive a payment receipt from the Hvezda Dormitory staff after payment.
We are very much looking forward to welcoming you in Prague. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us via email or via our FB profile. 
Your COYS team

COYS’23 was announced!

The 17th Conference of Young Slavists was announced!


“Phenomenon of Second-Classness and Marginality in the Slavic Area”

Date: 7–8 December 2023
Place: Faculty of Arts, Charles University, Prague

Deadline for applications: 18 June 2023

For more information, follow the official pages of the conference, Facebook and Instagram!


Nový termín – New Date – Новая дата!!!

Nový termín konference byl stanoven na 5. a 6. května 2022. Více informací již brzy!

The new date of the conference was set for May 5 and 6, 2022. More information coming soon!

Новая дата проведения конференции была назначена на 5 и 6 мая 2022 года. Больше информации в ближайшeе время!

KMS 3. a 4. prosince / КМС 3 и 4 декабря / CYS 3rd and 4th December

Připojte se na naši konferenci, poslechněte si zajímavé referáty, zapojte se do diskuse. Těšíme se na Vás 3. a 4. prosince 2020 online.
Присоединяйтесь к нашей конференции. Вас ждут интересные темы и дискуссии. Ждем Вас 3 и 4 декабря 2020 в он-лайне.
Don’t miss out our conference. Interesting topics and discussions await you. You can join us on 3rd and 4th December 2020 online.

KMS 2020 – CYS 2020 – КМС 2020

Konference mladých slavistů se uskuteční ONLINE!
Conference of the Young Slavists will be ONLINE!
Конференция молодых славистов состоится ОНЛАЙН!
3.-4. prosinec 2020 / 3rd-4th December 2020 / 3-4 декабрь 2020
Byl zveřejněn předběžný program KMS 2020 / A preliminary program of the CYS 2020 was published / Предварительная программа КМС 2020 опубликована.