18th Annual Conference of Young Slavists, 5-7 December 2024
Dear students, colleagues, friends, We would like to invite you to the 18th annual Conference of Young Slavists, which will take place from 5 December to 7 Dece...
Dear students, colleagues, friends, We would like to invite you to the 18th annual Conference of Young Slavists, which will take place from 5 December to 7 Dece...
Dear participants, students, friends, please find attached the programme of the 17th Conference of Young Slavists, which will be held next week on 7-8 December ...
In the attachment we present 20 papers that will be presented at the upcoming Conference of Young Slavists. The abstracts are logically arranged according to th...
Dear participants, The conference is slowly but surely approaching and therefore it is time to clarify the information about your papers and fee payments: 1) Le...
The 17th Conference of Young Slavists was announced! CONFERENCE OF YOUNG SLAVISTS XVII “Phenomenon of Second-Classness and Marginality in the Slavic Area” Date:...
Nový termín konference byl stanoven na 5. a 6. května 2022. Více informací již brzy! The new date of the conference was set for May 5 and 6, 2022. More informat...
CONFERENCE OF YOUNG SLAVISTS XVI “Slavs: Nationalism and National Stereotypes” Date: 2–3 December 2021 Place: Faculty of Arts, Charles University, Prague Deadli...
Připojte se na naši konferenci, poslechněte si zajímavé referáty, zapojte se do diskuse. Těšíme se na Vás 3. a 4. prosince 2020 online. Присоединяйтесь к нашей ...
Byl zveřejněn program KMS 2020 / A program of the CYS 2020 was published / Программа КМС 2020 опубликована. KMS-2020-Program
Konference mladých slavistů se uskuteční ONLINE! Conference of the Young Slavists will be ONLINE! Конференция молодых славистов состоится ОНЛАЙН! 3.-4. pr...